Sellers closing costs

Closing costs are fees associated with your home purchase that are paid at the closing of a real estate transaction. Closing is the point in time when the title of the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer. Closing costs are incurred by either the buyer and/or seller.


Commission- Commission can be negotiated but it is typically 6% of sale price.  ( With a Premier Flat Fee, you save at least 3%.  If you want to learn more, visit

State Documentary Stamp Tax for Deed of Conveyance – $0.70 per $100.00 of sales price or fraction thereof ( $0.60 per $100 in Miami Dade County)

Assessment Search – $70.00 – $80.00, depending on City

Owner’s Title Insurance Policy – Based on the sales price ($5.75 per $1000) up to $100,000 & $5.00 per $1000 after $100,000-

(In Miami-Dade and Broward County, the buyer customarily chooses the title company and pays for the title issuing services. In Palm Beach County, the burden of who chooses the title company and pays for the title insurance policy, including related title service charges, shifts to the seller of the real property.  If you are financing the purchase of the home there are usually two title insurance charges. One is the owner’s policy (customarily paid for by the seller in Florida) and the other is the lender’s policy, which is paid for by the buyer.)

Taxes – Current year’s real estate taxes are prorated at closing

Title Search, Exam and Closing Fee – Approximately $600.00



Taxes and recording fees on notes and mortgages

Loan Expenses

Recording fees for deed and financing statements

Appraisal Fees

Owner’s Policy and Charges-

In Miami-Dade and Broward County, the buyer customarily chooses the title company and pays for the title issuing services. In Palm Beach County, the burden of who chooses the title company and pays for the title insurance policy, including related title service charges, shifts to the seller of the real property.  If you are financing the purchase of the home there are usually two title insurance charges. One is the owner’s policy and the other is the lender’s policy, which is paid for by the buyer.

Buyer’s Inspections


Buyer’s attorneys’ fees

Lender’s title policy and endorsements

All property related insurance

HOA/Condominium Association application/transfer fees